Weekly Schedule
Sunday mornings -- worship in-person inside (masks required for everyone) or online
9:00a.m. - Coffee and Conversation on Zoom- set up Zoom account: Zoom.us
- join with Meeting ID: 822 7406 3359 Passcode: 532998
10:30a.m. - Worship begins -- Inside at BOLD Church (masks required) & Online. Worship on Youtube
9:00a.m. - Bible Study on Zoom
join with Meeting ID: 603 788 1546 Passcode:BOLDChurch
Providing access is sometimes challenging, but always right
(an article by former BOLD Pastor, Rev. Susan Masters)
FYI, if you donate through a checking or debit account,
fees for BOLD are significantly less. Thanks!
Help support our mission!
Welcome to Bread of Life Deaf Lutheran Church!
Our mission is to share the Good News: God loves Deaf people and their loved ones. We love Deaf people and their loved ones TOO!! We believe that the body of Christ includes ALL people:
Current Newsletter
Slices & Crumbs...news of life at BOLD: November - December 2021
Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, DeafBlind, Hearing;
American Sign Language, Signed English, spoken English;
hearing aids, cochlear implants;
residential Deaf school, mainstream programs, home schooling;
CODAs, ASL students, interpreting students, family, and friends.
ALL are welcome at Bread of Life Deaf Lutheran Church! We are a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).